Fast DCGAN in Keras

DCGAN have been implemented in a lot of frameworks. However, existing Keras and Tensorflow implementations are SLOW due to duplicated computation.

Here's the GAN concept:

And here's the optimal GAN training architecture:

Basically we want to do two things in one forward-backward pass:

  1. update Wd w.r.t. D_loss
  2. update Wg w.r.t. G_loss

This kind of update(different parameters w.r.t. different loss) however is not possible in Keras.

but possible in Torch - check soumith/dcgan.

So the dumb solution was to create two model, one updates Wd after its forward-backward pass, another updates Wg after its forward-backward pass.

That worked, but unfriendly to our precious computational resources.

To apply two different parameter updates in one forward-backward pass, you will need to write your own update code in raw Tensorflow. Here's how:

  1. Create D and G network in Keras, as usual;

  2. Write your parameter update operations by hand:

    # noise: the input z
    # real_image input
    noise = Input(shape=g.input_shape[1:])
    real_image = Input(shape=d.input_shape[1:])
    # dm and gm are your generative and discriminative network.
    generated = gm(noise)
    # dm should produce a score between (0,1) remember?
    gscore = dm(generated)
    rscore = dm(real_image)
    def log_eps(i):
        return K.log(i+1e-11)
    # calculate the losses
    # single side label smoothing: replace 1.0 with 0.9 for real input
    dloss = - K.mean(log_eps(1-gscore) + .1 * log_eps(1-rscore) + .9 * log_eps(rscore))
    gloss = - K.mean(log_eps(gscore))
    Adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer
    lr,b1 = 1e-4,.2 # otherwise won't converge.
    optimizer = Adam(lr,beta1=b1)
    # update Wd w.r.t. D_loss
    grad_loss_wd = optimizer.compute_gradients(dloss, dm.trainable_weights)
    update_wd = optimizer.apply_gradients(grad_loss_wd)
    # update Wg w.r.t G_loss
    grad_loss_wg = optimizer.compute_gradients(gloss, gm.trainable_weights)
    update_wg = optimizer.apply_gradients(grad_loss_wg)
  3. instead of using, run the parameter update by hand:

    train_step = [update_wd, update_wg, other_parameter_updates],feed_dict={noise,real_image.......})

The full code is available at

Here's the code running on a GTX 1060:


last modified: 2017-02-09 02:11